
Πέμπτη 7 Ιουνίου 2012

Iphone 5!

Ερχεται συντομα το νεο κινητο της Apple Iphone 5!

Χαρακτηριστικα τηλεφωνου

Processing Power

Current rumours are pointing to the iPhone 5 utilizing Apple’s A5 dual-core processor. This super speedy and powerful processor was first utilized by Apple in the iPad 2 and it is a significant enhancement and improvement to the A4 processor. In addition to the improved processor expectations are high for an improvement in the RAM and overall storage space available.
However other rumours have stated that the reason the iPhone 5 was not released in June (on a similar schedule to that of earlier models) is due to the A5 processor overheating when combined with the new iPhone. If the processor problems are in fact confirmed and Apple is unable to find a solution in a reasonable timeframe, its next model might not be as revolutionary as expected and will only be a small and incremental improvement to the iPhone 4.

οθονη 4,75 inch

camera Specs for the new iPhone 5 are currently pointing to the new iPhone 5 integrating an 8 megapixel camera into its case. While Nokia’s N8 (with a 12 megapixel camera) is still superior this camera and lens – probably supplied by Sony – will be a vast improvement on the 5 megapixel camera included in the iPhone 4 and with an improved LED flash, this might make enough of a difference.

Iphone Operating System

The brains of the iPhone 5 will be its newest operating system – iOS 5 . Recently released by Apple this new operating system offers some significant differences to its predecessors, most notably cutting the tether to iTunes and the PC in general. Flash unfortunately is still not an option with Apple and while some Android based Smartphone’s have emphasized the availability of Flash on their systems as a key differentiator – the lack of Flash on iPhone’s has not significantly impacted their market share.
Another key enhancement to the new OS is the fact that all software updates are now sent wirelessly and these updates only include the changes – not the whole Operating System!

Overall Look and Feel

Depending upon who does the talking the iPhone 5 could be completely different in look and feel to the iPhone 4 or it could only have some small cosmetic changes. Some of the more radical suggestions include replacing the glass back with a new metal back – which will also act as the new iPhone antenna. In addition there are details that the bezel itself will be changed and will incorporate touch-sensitive buttons around the newer larger 4 inch screen.

Apple is nothing if not innovative and its design styles and ideas have long been at the forefront of the Computer and Electronics industry. Just like the Ipad 3 , The iPhone has led the world and with its huge app store, Apple has a very hefty lead on its competition. As long as Apple does not experience another “Antenna Gate” similar to the problems with its iPhone 4, it should not only be able to maintain this lead but grow it even further and if in fact they do launch an iPhone Nano at a lower price point, they will truly be unassailable!

The release date of the iPhone 5 has been just an on going rumor for months now. Among the new features every new iPhone brings, the release date is just as hot a topic. People want to know exactly when it’s available so they can have it first, or have it at all. Every new iPhone release has always been a hectic yet very successful one for Apple, selling faster than they can deliver. People always want what they can’t have which just makes these launches that much more troublesome. Fear not, when the iPhone 5 release date is leaked you can be certain that we will have it for you first.
The iPhone 5 was expected to be released with the new iOS 5 but complications happened which made the release of the iPhone 5 with iOS 5 impossible in Apple’s eyes. So here we have the iPhone 4S, which to many was a major disappointment. Most people were expecting more from one of the world’s biggest and most technologically influential companies to date. The day the iPhone 4s was announced, Apple’s stock plummeted and for good reason. While the iPhone 4s does offer performance upgrades and added features, it was not enough according to the majority of iPhone enthusiasts. While it isn’t the first time Apple released an ‘S’ version in between official versions, it was the fact that it was so out of the blue and unexpected it has shocked people and Apple’s stock.
The iPhone 5 release date is still just rumors circulating with no concrete information. However the fact that Apple seems to prefer to have their major launches in late spring to early summer is probably a good place to speculate as the next release date for iPhone 5. As of right now most tech gurus are saying early summer 2012, but now with the recent release of the iPhone 4s the iPhone 5 release date could be delayed further. Customers that buy the iPhone 4s could be extremely angry if Apple were to release the iPhone 5 less than a year later. Unfortunately in today’s technology world 1 year is a very long time, so get used to it.
Not only are these release dates a matter of releasing a bug free product, but there is also a marketing aspect behind them. Apple wants to release at the absolute best time to maximize profits after building months and even years worth of hype. Delaying too long could allow for competition to come in and snag a good percentage of customers that grow tireless of waiting. Releasing too soon could result in a bug filled product that wasn’t tested enough causing major customer support issues and potentially damaging the company’s reputation.
As you can see the iPhone 5 release date is a very touchy subject for both customers, developers and manufacturers with many variables coming into play. Who will know the official release date of the iPhone 5 first? Apple of course! Who will be the next to know? Something to keep in mind though is that Steve Jobs delayed the iPhone 5 because he felt it wasn’t ready, however his successors seem to feel otherwise moving forward with the new phone. So there could be new standards and protocols Apple is taking now that could affect things like release date patterns we’re used to.
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